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Trade | All information about Sam Loc card for new participants | สำนักงานประชาสัมพันธ์

Sam Loc is one of the popular card games and attracts many players in Vietnam. With its entertaining, focusing and intellectually challenging properties, Sam Loc has become an indispensable spiritual dish in the lives of many people. This article by WW88 will provide readers with basic information about the game rules, effective playing techniques, winning strategies as well as important notes when playing Sam Loc.

Basic rules of playing Sam Loc card game

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game Sam Loc is to build a group of cards with the same number or color (called a set). Players need to quickly create the largest sets possible to win.

How to play

Sam Loc is played with a Western deck of 52 cards, without using Joker cards. The minimum number of players is 2 and the maximum is 4. Each player will be dealt 13 cards initially.

Sam Loc card game rules are as follows:

  • Players take turns drawing 1 card from the pack in the middle of the table and then must throw another card on the table.

  • Players try to build decks of cards with the same numbers or colors. Each deck must have at least 3 cards.

  • When a player finishes building the decks, he or she shouts "Sam Loc" and is the winner of that round.

Types of card decks in Sam Loc

In bài Sâm Lốc, decks of cards are divided into the following categories:

Set type



Contains 4 cards of the same number

Four quarters

Includes 4 cards of the same color

Three trees

Contains 3 cards of the same number


Contains 2 cards of the same number

These decks are ranked from high to low as follows: Sam, Four of a Kind, Three of Cards, Pair.

Score and winning calculation

When a player yells "Sam Loc", that player will be given points corresponding to the decks they have completed. Specifically:

  • Sam: 20 points

  • Four of a kind: 15 points

  • Three cards: 10 points

  • Pair: 5 points

The player with the highest total score will be the winner.

Effective techniques for playing Sam Loc

Observe and analyze your opponent's cards

One of the important factors in playing Sam Loc is the ability to observe and analyze your opponent's cards. By paying attention to the cards your opponents throw out, you can predict what cards they need and adjust your strategy from there.

Observe the cards your opponent throws out

  • Note what cards your opponent throws out, whether there are cards of the same number or the same color.

  • From there, you can guess what decks your opponents are trying to build.

Analyze and predict your competitors' strategies

  • Based on the cards your opponents throw out, you can infer their playing strategy.

  • For example, if your opponent keeps throwing cards of the same number, you can guess they are trying to build a Three of Cards.

  • From there, you can adjust your strategy to hinder or block your opponent's path to victory.

Manage and use cards effectively

In addition to observing and analyzing your opponent's cards, how you manage and use your cards is also very important in Sam Loc.

Choose the appropriate card to throw out

  • When throwing away cards, consider carefully which card to throw away.

  • Prioritize discarding cards that are not suitable for the decks you are trying to build.

  • Avoid throwing away important cards that you still need to complete the decks.

Build effective decks

  • Try to build big decks like Sam or Four of a Kind.

  • If you can't build large sets, focus on Threes or Pairs sets.

  • Be flexible in building decks, don't focus too much on a specific set.

Respond to adverse situations

  • If you're short on cards to complete the decks, adjust your strategy.

  • It is possible to temporarily ignore some decks and focus on others.

  • Be flexible and creative in building decks to deal with difficult situations.

Calculation and strategic planning

In Sam Loc, strategic calculation and planning is very important to win.

Predict and calculate decks of cards

  • When starting a game, try to predict and calculate what decks you can build.

  • Adjust your strategy based on these predictions.

Strategic planning

  • Based on predictions and calculations, create a strategic plan for the game.

  • This plan will help you focus on specific goals and make the right decisions during play.

Monitor and adjust strategy

  • As you play, constantly monitor and re-evaluate your strategy.

  • If you encounter unfavorable situations, be ready to adjust your strategy to respond promptly.

Analyze strategies and ways to win

Basic Sam Loc playing strategies

In Sam Loc, there are many different playing strategies depending on the situation and the player's goals.

Safe playing strategy

  • Focus on building small decks like Pairs or Threes.

  • Limit your risk by not trying to build large decks.

  • Suitable for new players or those who do not want to take risks.

Attack strategy

  • Focus on building big decks like Sam or Four of a Kind.

  • More reckless but can bring high scores if successful.

  • Suitable for experienced players who like challenges.

Defensive play strategy

  • Try to hinder and stop your opponent's decks.

  • Observe and analyze your opponent's cards to make appropriate moves.

  • Suitable for players who want to control the situation and wait for the right opportunity.

Winning techniques

In addition to basic strategies, Sam Loc players also need to master some winning techniques.

Observe and analyze the situation

  • Continuously observe and analyze the situation on the table.

  • Predict your opponents' strategies and plan appropriate responses.

Manage cards effectively

  • Use cards wisely, avoid throwing away important cards.

  • Build big decks like Sam or Four of a Kind when the opportunity arises.

Take the chance

  • Monitor your opponents' unfavorable situations and quickly take advantage.

  • Say "Sam Loc" when there is a suitable opportunity to win.

Flexible and creative

  • Adapt quickly to unexpected situations during play.

  • Be ready to adjust strategies and plans when necessary.


Sam Loc is a fun and challenging card game, with many different playing techniques and strategies. To become a good Sam Loc player, players need to master the basic rules of the game, practice the ability to observe, analyze and calculate strategies effectively. With the knowledge and skills presented in the article, hopefully readers will be able to become Sam Loc "masters" and fully enjoy the fun of this game



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