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BMA joins in congratulating Bangkok Pride on winning the award for LGBTQIA+ rights organization from France.


Mr. Sanon Wangsrangboon, Deputy Governor of Bangkok Attended the Paris International Prize for the Rights of LGBTQIA+ award ceremony, which is an award given to prominent individuals and organizations that place special emphasis on LGBTQIA+ people around the world, at the residence of the Ambassador of the French Republic to Thailand, Bang Rak District.

The Paris International Prize for the Rights of LGBTQIA+ was launched in 2018 in Paris, French Republic. It is a joint effort of the International Association of French-speaking Mayors and a jury specializing in equal rights. The ceremony is held every year on May 17 on the occasion of End Homophobia Day. International bisexual and transgender people It was co-chaired by the Mayor of Paris and two representatives from the jury.

The event is a prestigious award given to committed individuals and associations that promote the rights of LGBT people around the world. Each prize will be awarded along with a donation of €5,000

Thailand is the first country in ASEAN to have a law supporting the marriage of people of diverse genders, also known as “Equal Marriage Law” as well as organizing the annual Pride festival This shows Thailand’s importance in creating equality and participation from all sectors in society.

The 2024 winner includes the French National Award: French rugby player Jeremy Clamy-Edroux, who was the first rugby player to speak publicly about his homosexuality. He is considered by many to be a role model for LGBTQIA+ people in the world of sports. The Francophone Award goes to the Shams France Association, which leads its collaboration with associations to help LGBTQIA+ people living in France who originate in the Maghreb and the Middle East. and international awards

Including Bangkok Pride, the organizer of Bangkok Pride in collaboration with the Rainbow Association of Thailand, the Pride community in Pattaya, directed and driven by Bangkok Pride, which organized the grand event on 1 June 2024, considered to be the third year in a row. You can find more information at

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