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The Deputy Governor of Bangkok asks for cooperation from all children to understand themselves, respect differences, and not follow others to end the bullying problem.


“Today there is a gap between children, families, and communities. In the past, it was only a protection against violence from the outside, but now it is found to be a protection against violence within the mind. Normally, school should be the safest space. In addition, parents often think that children are already in their adulthood, causing gaps to arise. But at this age, the gap between friends is greatest because children tend to think their friends will understand them the most. I’ve been testing this app for over a year now and I think it’s a really good app. If there is something they don’t dare tell anyone about, they can tell it through the app. In the future, this project may be expanded. I believe it will be successful and help children with problems.”

Mr. Sanon Wangsrangboon, Deputy Governor of Bangkok, spoke on the occasion of presiding over the opening ceremony and participating in the Buddy School Tour activity at Mosura Sai Kong Din School, Min Buri District.

Mr. Sanon Wangsrangboon, Deputy Governor of Bangkok said that the main thing is that we must understand ourselves and our differences. Nowadays, schools may measure our abilities with a few rulers, such as math or English language rulers. But once you graduate and enter working life, there will be many rulers to measure your abilities beyond just academics. Importantly, we should not judge other people’s shortcomings but rather look at their advantages. Finally, we will become optimistic and not bullies. Everyone should strive to develop themselves and find things that we do that make us happy. Next, we will be good without having to compare with anyone because we have our happiness.

Bangkok by the Department of Education in collaboration with Thoresen Thai Agencies (TTA) and the Children and Youth Council of Thailand organized public relations activities for the Buddy Thai or Buddy School Tour application in schools under Bangkok.

BUDDY THAI APPLICATION is an application developed to prevent and solve the problem of bullying in schools and the online world.
Their team of psychologists and experts will help children and youth using the app to learn on their own and gain the skills to properly deal with different types of bullying situations as well as having a better understanding of themselves and others, having the courage to do good and right things and learning life skills, problem-solving skills and managing your own emotions appropriately.

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