Mr. Chadchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok Welcoming Mr. Liang Ming, Vice Chairman of the National Political Advisory Council of Wuhan City. People’s Republic of China and the Wuhan delegation On the occasion of meeting to pay homage and discuss cooperation in various fields between the 2 cities
Today there is an interesting discussion topic: educational cooperation in addition to primary, secondary, and university levels Wuhan also places importance on vocational education, which is something that BMA. wants to promote and wants to exchange knowledge with. At the same time, Governor Chadchart also accepted the invitation to send BMA. students as representatives. to join the project International Youth Chinese Language Training Camp in Wuhan In the middle of this year as well
Another issue is economic cooperation. The Vice-President of the Wuhan City Council gave information that there are investors from Wuhan City wanting to invest in Bangkok. It is a small amount, which Governor Chadchart has said that BMA. welcomes and is ready to discuss with investors. To work smoothly
Because foreigners who come to invest here are like Bangkokians as well, for tourism. It is seen that this potential must be pushed forward, such as adding direct flights between the 2 cities to make travel more convenient and faster.